"...but you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation..."
Royal Family Church
First Time Visitor
What to Expect:

*You can expect a warm welcome and receive a bulletin with church information
*A group of people who genuinely love God and love one another
*Parking is available but limited (we are working towards having new parking installed on the north side of
our property) there is street parking available as well.
*Attire: some people dress up and some dress casually (From jeans to suits and dresses)
*Praise & Worship on screen (You will see uplifted hands, singing, exaltation to God (The Holy Spirit has
free reign in our services)
*Giving by our regular church members (tithes/offerings)
* Anointed Biblical Based Sermons
* Prayer and ministering at the altar
What to anticipate during Bible Study
*Bible study is located on the lower level
*Start on time
*You can expect to learn Biblical teachings
*Freedom to ask questions
*Coffee, tea, bottled water, or cocoa available
*Members participate by reading, asking questions,
or sharing