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First Time Visitor

What to Expect:


*You can expect a warm welcome and receive a bulletin with church information

*A group of people who genuinely love God and love one another 

*Parking is available but limited (we are working towards having new parking installed on the north side of

  our property) there is street parking available as well. 

*Attire: some people dress up and some dress casually (From jeans to suits and dresses)

*Praise & Worship on screen  (You will see uplifted hands,  singing, exaltation to God (The Holy Spirit has

   free reign in our services)

*Giving by our regular church members (tithes/offerings)

* Anointed Biblical Based Sermons 

* Prayer and ministering at the altar

What to anticipate during Bible Study

*Bible study is located on the lower level

*Start on time

*You can expect to learn Biblical teachings

*Freedom to ask questions 

*Coffee, tea, bottled water, or cocoa available

*Members participate by reading, asking questions,

   or sharing



The Gospel

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Royal Family Church is a church which embraces Jesus Christ as King and Lord of all creation, and the individual members of  the family of Christ as Kings and Priests of the Most High God.


As such, we are invested and commissioned with all power and authority to destroy the works of the devil in the earth by proclaiming  the gospel, healing the sick, releasing those who are bound from satanic oppression, and demonstrating the love of God,  first to the body of Christ, then to the world.

Location: 4102 Florence Boulevard, Omaha, NE 68110


Phone: (402) 455-4458


Mailing Address: PO Box 12539, Omaha, NE 68112



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© 2023 Royal Family Church

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