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Daughters of Royalty Women's Ministry

DOR- Women's Ministry offers Biblical teaching to help women learn to walk with God, hear His voice, and apply the principles of His Word to their lives.

Led by Rev. Nejo Gentry

Daughters of Royalty

Women's Ministry

We gather on the third Thursday of each month from 6:30 pm to 8. Daughters of Royalty is a community of women dedicated to deepening our understanding of God's Word and aligning our lives with His will. We welcome you to join us in exploring our identity in Christ, uncovering the truths of Scripture, and nurturing our faith. Exciting activities are on the horizon as we continue to grow!


Royal Family Church is a church which embraces Jesus Christ as King and Lord of all creation, and the individual members of  the family of Christ as Kings and Priests of the Most High God.


As such, we are invested and commissioned with all power and authority to destroy the works of the devil in the earth by proclaiming  the gospel, healing the sick, releasing those who are bound from satanic oppression, and demonstrating the love of God,  first to the body of Christ, then to the world.

Location: 4102 Florence Boulevard, Omaha, NE 68110


Phone: (402) 455-4458


Mailing Address: PO Box 12539, Omaha, NE 68112



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